about me
My name is Margaret, I am 42 years old and a trained chef. Food is always on my mind and is my creative outlet. Food for me means, what I take in is what I am, so I am concious of what ingredients I use. When my husband fell ill with leukemia in 2015, medication saved his life, but the doctors were impressed with his fast recovery. Through the years I learned that having a well nourished body, can make a real difference.
Before becoming a chef in Valencia, I had a career in applied mathematics and worked in environmental politics and health care in the Netherlands. I learned that changing our diet to a more plant based one, would make a huge reduction in our greenhouse gas emissions AND that quite a few of diseases that we die from these days are mainly caused by poor diet. Over the years I have become more and more passionate about moving people to eat healthier and to do their bit in reducing their climate impact. On the latter it is common to be asked: ”What does my little contribution mean for planet earth?”. We ll, we are so many, all together we can make a HUGE difference. I want to move people to make an effort.
That´s when I knew my theme: Let´s BE GOOD with FOOD!!